The treatments available at NaturOville Vedic Retreat aims at providing health and wellness in a holistic manner. Several kinds of ailments are sought to be eliminated through a wide range of Ayurvedic treatments. The treatments available at the resort can be classified as Holistic Treatments, Holistic Wellness and Steam and Sauna Therapy.
Holistic Treatments are aimed at eliminating various kinds of ailments affecting the body by resorting to traditional methods of Ayurveda. The areas covered here are Arthritis Care, Spine & Neck Care, Diabetes Care, Stress Management and Weight Management.
The Holistic Wellness programs are directed towards achieving complete rejuvenation (sampoorna), anti-ageing, ladies wellness, detoxification and de-addiction. All of these programs are directed towards bringing about a complete overhaul in your lifestyle by eliminating stress and negativity.
The programs covered under Steam and Sauna Therapy seek to rid the body of accumulated toxins through the skin and lungs. The result is that not only do you look healthier from the outside, but you become quite healthy from the inside too. The programs covered under this treatment are Herbal Steam Therapy, Herbal Facial Steam, Deluxe Sauna Therapy, Deluxe Steam Therapy, Aroma Steam Therapy and Aroma Sauna Therapy.
Apart from these, NaturOville has some other salient wellness programs to offer to its guests. These are mentioned below:
PANCHAKARMA - Purification of the body
Comprising of 'five actions', Panchkarma is a therapeutic way to remove toxins and purify the body. The five procedures, namely, Virechana, Vamana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamokshana, essentially remove the imbalance of 'Tridoshas' in the body. This in addition to curing disorders, helps in maintaining a healthy body. Commanding expert supervision for a week, the treatment is carried out in three steps, Purvakarma, Pradhanakarma and Paschatkarma. Besides removing impurities, it also works wonders in improving metabolic process and digestion.
SAMPOORNA - Complete Rejuvenation
The ceaseless stress and a fast-paced lifestyle leave us exhausted. Sampoorna is a holistic treatment which consists of repeated rejuvenation therapies and detoxification. The various steps involved help you to understand your true nature and transfers you to a new state of permanent wellness and energy. Along with the therapy, yoga, meditation and certain dietary routine are also followed.
SHUDHIKARAN - Detoxification Program
There are three essential doshas in our body. An imbalance in any one or all of these results in various forms of disorders. An imbalance in Vata leads to chronic constipation, insomnia, nervous stomach, depression and anxiety, muscle spasms or cramps, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), etc. People with imbalanced Kapha dosha suffer from congested sinuses, obesity, chest colds, asthma and/or allergies, painful joints, diabetes, depression, high cholesterol, etc. Imbalanced Pitta dosha causes acne, rashes, peptic ulcers, premature grey hair and early balding, poor eyesight, hostility, and self-criticism, etc.
With Shudhikaran therapy, one can identify and understand his/her true nature. This is followed by Ayurveda experts and nutritionists charting out a certain lifestyle routine for the patient. This helps in regaining the balance in your dosha and achieve perfect harmony through a combination of Ayurveda therapies, dietary discipline and Yoga and meditation. Once the treatment is done, you get rid of all the disorders and impurities.
Weight Management Programme
Ayurveda is a treasure trove of dietary routines and effective therapies that help to lose weight naturally. People suffering from obesity or those who want to lose the extra fat off their body can rely on the weight management program offered at NaturOville. Along with herbal oil/powder massages, various therapies including Udwardhanam, Abhyangam, Vasti, etc. are used to achieve the desired results.
Certain medicines are also suggested after analyzing the condition of the patient. This improves digestion and burns the body fat quickly. Nutritionists and Ayurvedic experts counsel you and recommend a new dietary routine that aids in sustaining the new weight and bringing positive lifestyle changes.
At NaturOville Vedic Retreat, the recreation facilities provide the perfect blend of luxury, entertainment and comfort. Apart from providing Ayurvedic treatments and therapies to cure lifestyle disorders and enlighten the spirits, this spacious retreat endears itself to visitors through its state-of-the-art infrastructure facilities, along with modern amenities.
The Indoor Recreation Facilities provided here are designed to le the visitor enjoy every moment of his stay. Other than the treatment therapies and yoga sessions, guests can use the wellness gym, table tennis or pool table to entertain themselves.
The Outdoor Recreation Facilities offer a wide range of healthy options to indulge in, and all designed towards boosting the mind, body and spirit. Some of the facilities here include a swimming pool, cycling, cricket, nature walk, jungle safari, village tour, mini trekking, white river rafting, adventure tours and cultural tours, besides others. On special request, the resort also arranges for adventure sports like white water rafting, jungle safari, nature walk as well as trekking. If a guest happens to be interested in acquainting himself with the local culture, a village and cultural tour can also be arranged.