Located in Cochin in the state that is popularly known as ‘God’s Own Counrty’, Royal Village is a heritage resort that is located on the outskirts. The resort was established 100 years ago by a family house – “Tharavadu”. The spot is an ideal lactation for the guests to relax and unwind themselves away from the city life.
The port city of Cochin is one of the natural harbors of India and is one of transit points for many places in Kerala. The resort is at a distance of 16 kms from Kochi airport and 8 kms from Enakaulam town railway station. The resort offers tribal huts that are made from thatched roof and all modern facilities and are surrounded by mango trees tamarind, jackfruit trees, coconut palms and many more.
The hotel also offers a number of a number of modern facilities that include fully air conditioned heritage farmhouse and 13 cottages, arrival and departure assistance, backwater cruise, fishing, row boating, traditional shows, travel desk, spa, in house local restaurant, doctor on call, direct calling facility and daily harbor cruise. Guests can also indulge in various activities including, city sightseeing, harbor cruise, village cruise, narrow canal cruise, house boats, fishing, and in house spa.