Central Excise Day

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    New Delhi

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Central Excise Day to be celebrated on 24th February holds a distinct significance in list of festivals in India. This day holds a high significance as it marks the ratification of central & excise salt act, 1944. The day is celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm throughout India. The celebration includes a number of programs that makes it a special day to the people of the nation.

History of Central Excise Day

The history of Central Excise day dates back to 1944 when Central Excide Act helped in levying the Central Excise Duty. The value and rates of duty were prescribed under the Schedule 1 and 2 of the act. The Central Excise Officers were given the responsibility to collect the duties. The Central Excise Law is an important part of this act is administered by the Central Board of Excide and Customs.

Celebration of Central Excise Day

The Central Excise Day is mainly celebrated by organizing a number of workshops, seminars and a variety of other programs. The program held on the day mainly felicitates the excellence of the employees. This award ceremony is one of the highlights of the Central Excise Day celebration.

Cities of New Delhi

List of Fair and Festivals in New Delhi