Wood Carving

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Art and Crafts of Orissa date back over thousands of years and even before that it was prevalent in the Kallinga Era. The Crafts of Orissa tells of the superb craftsmanship and handiworks of the artisans for who Crafts come naturally. In some instances there forefathers were also great craftsmen who passed the art from one generation to the other. Therefore you will often find that the crafts of one village or clan in Orissa differ from the others even though they are dealing with the same base work. Each village and clan has their trade secret which they use to good effect to bring out the uniqueness of their article. Wood Carving is a highly specialized form of carving that is intricate and meticulous to the extreme. Imagine a one and a half inch wood piece exquisitely carved pertaining to the minutest details!

Decorative pieces like animals, temple carvings, idols of Lord Jagannath, and toy items are some of the popular pieces that you might come across in Orissa. Utilitarian items like bowls, plates, ashtrays and other household items can be picked up from any of the shops in Puri and Cuttack. These items are simple and done in polished wood. The craftsmen of Kandapara are famous for their wooden handicraft products. Daspalla area near Puri is also famous for Wood Carving.

The government of Orissa encourages these handmade items as there is a high demand for them throughout India. Moreover it brings considerable revenues to the state. It also helps in uplifting the cause of the backward people and artisans whose main source of income comes from these craftworks.

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