Flora in Ranthambore National Park

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The vegetation of Ranthambore plays an important role in the ecosystem of this National Park.

The flora in Ranthambore National Park is primarily of the mixed deciduous type. The grass, shrubs and leaves of trees provide deer and other herbivores with their sustenance. These herbivores are the main prey of the tigers of Ranthambore. Hence we see that the flora of Ranthambore is an essential part of the local food chain.

Among the interesting flora in Ranthambore National Park is one of the largest Banyan trees in India. This can be seen near the Jogi Mahal hunting lodge in Ranthambore National Park.

Indian Name Botanical Name
Aam Mangifera Indica
Babul Acacia Nilotica
Banyan Ficus Benghalensis
Ber Zizyphus Mauritania
Dhak or Chila Butea Monosperma
Dhok Anogeissus Pendula
Imli Tamarindicus Indica
Jamun Syzygium Cumini
Kadam Anthocephalus Cadamba
Khajur Phoenix Sylvestris
Khair Acacia Catechu
Karel Capparis Decidua
Khejda Prosopis Specigera
Kakera Flacourtia Indica
Mohua Madhuca Indica
Neem Azadirachta Indica
Pipal Ficus Religiosa
Khus Grass Vetivaria Zizznioides
Karaya Gum Tree Sterculia Urens
Tendu Diospyros Melanoxylon

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