Flora in Sunderbans National Park

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“I think I shall never see a poem lovely as a tree”-Joyce Kilmer

Sunderban is reputed for its ample array of Trees. The water of the Bay of Bengal has seeped in to the mainland of West Bengal and thereby a brackish water area has been constructed. This is also known as the Deltaic West Bengal, renowned for its magnificent Flora and Fauna. The Flora in Sunderbans consists largely of Mangrove Forest, which has uniquely adapted itself to this marine ecosystem.

The concourse to Sunderban is soggy because it is located in the World’s biggest Delta formed by the mighty Ganges and Brahmaputra. Renowned for its splendid Mangrove Forest, where one may discover the elegant Sundari trees, one of the Mangrove Variety.

From here, Sunderban has acquired its name. It extends over an area of 4,264 sq km, and is renowned for its unique flora and fauna (mainly tiger); so it has been selected as a Legacy Site by the UNESCO.

The forest in the Sunderbans mainly consists of Saline Water Type Mixed Forest, Tidal Swamp Forest, Brackish Water and Palm Forests. In general 64 various species of Flora has been discovered in the deltaic Sunderbans. They have the capability to withstand the estuarine setting and brackish deluge of the tidal effects. To site a few species of plants,

  • Sonneratia sp.
  • Avicennia sp.
  • Rhizophora sp.
  • Xylocarpus sp.
  • Excaecaria sp.
  • Heritiera sp.
  • Ceriops sp.
  • Phoenix sp.
  • Bruguiera sp

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