Graveyard of Jatrahibagh

  • Dates :

    To be Announced

  • Location :

    Hazaribagh, Jharkhand

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Jharkhand has a rich history of struggle against the British subjugation and is the land of long forgotten heroes and fighters. It was under colonization and suppression of the British East India Company for a long time, even before the first war of independence in 1857. The Santhals of Jharkhand had started revolting in their own ways against the British rule, all of which mounted up to offer a significant contribution to the freedom struggle. The graveyard of Jatrahibagh, where the lives of so many of these nameless heroes of unnamed battles remain buried, bears a testimony to all the battles fought and the lives sacrificed for the sake of the freedom of the country.

It is in Jatrahibagh, a place in Hazaribagh that the graveyard of Jatrahibagh is located. It is said to be the burial ground of all the Muslim fighters and soldiers who were fighting the Sepoy Mutiny in 1857, the first war of Indian independence. No doubt all soldiers fighting for their country are martyrs and the graveyard of Jatrahibagh in Jharkhand thus holds special significance as it is the home to all the buried souls of those whose contribution can never be insignificant. The graveyard of Jatrahibagh is also called Anjan Shahid. This Jatrahibagh Graveyard is also famous for the annual fair that was held here during the time of the British.

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