Pongal Festival Karnataka

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The harvest festival of Pongal is celebrated in different parts of the country but variations mark the way in which they are celebrated. In Karnataka the Festival of Pongal is celebrated with a lot of revelry. It is also known by the name of Sankranti. Friends and relatives visit one another to exchange greetings. On the occasion of Pongal in Karnataka, prayers are offered not only at home but also in the temples. This traditional custom continues to this day.

A special dish is prepared on the occasion of Pongal in Karnataka. The ingredients of this sweet dish Ellu are coconut, sesame seeds and sugar. It is customary for the people to exchange this sweet dish with friends, relatives and neighbors. It is a token to show that hence forth the relationship will be as sweet as Ellu with no bitterness involved.

People clad themselves in new clothes. But they are not the only ones to dress up gorgeously; they decorate their cows and bullocks as well. Humans and animals are equally a part of this unrestrained merry making. Pongal, a sweet preparation made of rice is served to the animals.

Towards evening, a splendid procession comes out in which the cattle’s and bullocks are an integral part. Drum beaters also participate and there is plenty of music as well. The atmosphere in general is very bright and pleasant and promotes a feeling of cheer.

A bonfire is organized at night and the animals are made to jump over it.

When Pongal is celebrated in Karnataka

Pongal is celebrated on the day of winter solstice according to the Hindu calendar. It is nice to visit the state of Karnataka when Pongal is being celebrated so that you can be a part of the mirth as well.

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