Despite being one of the chief centres of historical importance, Jaunpur has not had the popularity that it actually deserves. The main features that have attracted tourists from all over the world every year are the Holy Places in Jaunpur.
The primary factor which owes to the reputation of these Holy Places in Jaunpur, India is the elaborate history that has become one of the characteristic features of Jaunpur. The history of Jaunpur mostly hails from the medieval period in India. This period was marked by the ascendancy of the Delhi Sultanate.
The Tughlaq Dynasty of the Sultanate, led by Firoz Shah Tughlaq was one of the leading contributors in the field of architecture. He along with Sultan Muhammad Shah was responsible for building some of the stunning mosque in this part of Uttar Pradesh.
This work was further followed by the rulers of the Sharqi Dynasty led by Hussain Shah. This Dynasty was previously a part of the Sultanate, who was entrusted with the provincial administration of this part of their empire. With time, the Sharqis grew in power and finally established their empire of their own.
However, the aspect in which the Sharqis did not part with the Tughlaqs was their passion for architecture. With a further addition to the number of Mosques that already existed, the Sharqis transformed the small town of Jaunpur into one of the major Cities in Uttar Pradesh, atleast as far as the Tourist Attractions in Jaunpur were concerned.
The mosques or ‘masjids’ as they are called, have become an inseparable part of Jaunpur. Each an every Masjid has been masterpieces in their own way. The architectural finesse as well as the minute detailing in their ornamentation has added to the list of admirers of these Mosques in Jaunpur.
Although most of the architects of that age were Muslims, they were greatly influenced by the Hindu Styles of Architecture. This is clearly evident from the fact that the masjids bore a lot of their designs and patterns that were similar to the temples of that age in Jaunpur. Moreover, the tolerance showed by the Muslim rulers towards Hinduism also led to the emergence of a few temples in Jaunpur.
Most of the Religious Places of Jaunpur are located in and around the city. So a visit to these Holy Places in Jaunpur will not require a hectic travel on the part of the tourists. One of the easiest ways to reach these Religious Places in Jaunpur is by availing the bus or train services from Varanasi (Benaras), which is separated from Jaunpur by a distance of 56 kilometers. Lucknow and Mirzapur are the other two cities located at a distance of 214 kilometers and 69 kilometers respectively.