Elephant Safari in Kaziranga National Park

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Elephant safari in Kaziranga National Park is a fascinating experience that will blow your mind with joy and thrill. Kaziranga National Park is a world heritage place that is famous for its Elephant Safari. It attracts tourists from all over the world. The dense woodlands and rich bio-diversity of Kaziranga National Park make it an ideal elephant safari destination. You can see the elephant herds and wildlife rhinos here. Enjoying a safari with these wild creatures is something you can cherish for a lifetime. 

Elephant Safari Timings

The entry timings are 7:00am -9:30am till 12:00 noon.

Range Morning Session Afternoon Session
Kohora (central) Range 5:30-6:30 3:00-4:00
Bagori (western) Range 5:30-6:30 3:00-4:00
Agaratoli (eastern) Range 5:30-6:30 3:00-4:00
Burapahar (ghorakati) Range 5:30-6:30 3:00-4:00

Elephant Safari Route Details:


The national park is split into four economic zones- the central or Kaziranga range, the western or Bagori range, the eastern or Agaratoli range, and the Burapahar range. The guests usually take their safari in the west field, where they will have a chance to get close to the great Indian one-horned Rhinoceros.


Name of Range Starting points Route Details Duration of Safari
Kohora (central) Range Mihimukh Riding Tower Mihimukh Riding point no.1st via 2nd addition to Kaziranga National Park up -no.2 at Kathpora -southern Periphery. 1 hour
Bagori (western) Range Headquarter, Bagori Bagori -central path towards Donga- right Bank of Mori Diffalu river -Bagori 1 hour
Agaratoli (eastern) Range Headquarter, Agaratoli Agaratoli-Dhuba road- Sohola Water body-Agoratoli, at the southern Periphary of the Park 1 hour
Burapahar (ghorakati) Range Near Rhinoland Park Ghorakati -1st addition to Kaziranga National Park –Borghup -Ghorakti 1 hour

Safari Charges

Charges Indian(Rs) Foreigner (Rs)

Elephant Safari     



Park Entry Fee  



Guard Fee   







Safari Booking Details Booking Place Booking Time
Kohora Range Cetenary convention Centre, Kohora 7-8 hours before Elephant Ride
Bagori (western) Range Range Offfice, Bagori N/A
Agaratoli (eastern) Range Range Office, Agaratoli N/A
Burapahar (ghorakati) Range Range Office, Ghorakati N/A

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