Forest Reserves in India

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Recent government initiatives taken in the field of Indian wildlife preservation and its subsequent consequences is beginning to bear fruit Eco resources have been identified, plans chalked to prevent the exploitation of wildlife resources. Trees have been planted, sanctuaries and reserves created, and a stringent law against poaching enforced. The reasonably powerful environmentalist lobby is doing their best to encourage animal saving projects. The Forest Reserves in India bear a living testimony to the helping hands that have been forwarded by the Indian environmentalists and avid animal lovers alike.

Forest Reserves  in India enjoy a higher degree of security than their counterparts namely the protected forests. This is because India’s wildlife reserves do not allow you to hunt and graze in its precincts while Protected forests allow that, with a greater degree of restriction.

Whether it be the verdant plains of the Nandan Kanan  forest  reserve or the mountainous terrain of the Gulmarg Biosphere Reserve, all Forest Reserves in India, are infused with a sense of adventure. An excursion in these  forests reserve can be quite interesting for animal lovers and commoners alike.

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