Ratha Yatra Kolkata

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    Kolkata, West Bengal

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Rathayatra is one of the main festivals in India which is the main festival in Orissa and in West Bengal also the festival is celebrated with splendor and majesty. The festival is a grand fiesta where the holy chariots are pulled by the people. This grand occasion in Hooghly district of West Bengal. This rathayatra attracts thousands of tourists to come and explore the rich heritage of West Bengal.

Rathayarta is one of the oldest traditions in Hindu society. This grand celebration takes place in every corner of the country especially in Orissa and West Bengal. The festival is also known as Chariot festival where the chariots of Lord Jaganath, lord Balaram and their sister Subhadra are drawn by general people and that make the festival more significant as the rope is regarded as the holy one and people with strong beliefs come to take participate in the grand occasion.

The chariots are decorated wonderfully that add glitter to the festival. There are silk canopies with different respective colors to respective chariots of Jaganath, Subhadra and Balaram

The occasion takes place mainly in the months of June or in July. Thousands of tourists come and gather to experience this occasion that is celebrated with magnificence in the district of Hoogly in West Bengal.