One of the most majestic creatures of the wild, the tiger is the largest living member of the cat member. Found all around the world in regions like Siberia, Manchuria, India and Malaysia, tigers are divided into a number of sub-species. Prominent among these is the Indian variety of tigers, also known as the Royal Bengal Tiger.
Gracefully built with a reddish yellow coat which is liberally striped in black, the Tiger or Panthera tigris as it is scientifically called originated in Siberia. It was from this land of snow, that the tigers migrated southwards led by their intrinsic instincts of finding a warmer habitat. One of these is a sub-species known as the Bengal Tiger or Panthera tigris tigris. Found mainly in areas like Nepal, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Western Myanmar, the Bengal tiger or the Royal Bengal tiger as it popularly called is truly an animal lover’s delight. With a population that is approximated to be around 3,250-4,700, Royal Bengal Tigers are under a grave threat of extinction, a threat that has to be combated effectively in order to save these beautiful beings.
In India, during the beginning of the 20th century, the population of tigers was around 40,000, a number that has come down drastically today, ringing warning bells amongst all animal lovers as well as the government of India. Besides natural causes, a very important role in this process of extinction has been played by man himself, being one of the principle assassins of these majestic creatures. Lured by the greed for the claws, skin and other organs of tigers, human beings have indulged in inhuman killing of tigers for years through almost all lands.
It is in an effort to stop this inhuman poaching that a number of steps have been taken by the government of India. These include steps like establishing anti-poaching acts as well as a number of sanctuaries which can provide a safe haven for the Bengal tigers and allow them to breed in their natural habitat.