Kaziranga National Park experiences three seasons throughout the year. Summer, which is dry and windy, extends from mid-February to May with mean maximum and minimum temperatures of 37°C and 7°C, respectively. The monsoon occurs from May to September, when conditions are warm and humid. Most of the rainfall of 222 mm falls during this season. Winters are from November to mid-February, with mild and dry conditions and maximum and minimum temperatures of 25 °C and 5°C respectively.
When it comes to choosing the best time to visit according to the preferable climate, November to April is the best time to visit Kaziranga National Park. The park is closed from June to September due to heavy rainfall.
If you are looking for information on climate in Kaziranga National Park, you have landed at the right place. Here, you will get the best details of the climate conditions of Kaziranga National Park. It helps you to pack your bag for the wildlife tour. However, we have also marked the ideal time for a wildlife tour in Kaziranga in the table below. Let’s roll into the Kaziranga month-wise temperature details.
Month | Best Time | Climate | Min. Temp (°C) | Max. Temp (°C) |
January | ![]() |
![]() |
5 | 25 |
February | ![]() |
![]() |
12 | 26 |
March | ![]() |
![]() |
16 | 30 |
April | ![]() |
![]() |
20 | 30 |
May | ![]() |
22 | 31 | |
June | ![]() |
25 | 32 | |
July | ![]() |
26 | 32 | |
August | ![]() |
25 | 32 | |
September | ![]() |
24 | 31 | |
October | ![]() |
21 | 29 | |
November | ![]() |
![]() |
17 | 28 |
December | ![]() |
![]() |
12 | 24 |
Kaziranga Weather in January
The first month of the year brings the cool breeze in the forest with morning fog. As a result, the temperature in the range of average low is around 24°C and an average high of 11°C. But if we talk about the rain, Kaziranga gets 32.14 mm of rain and approximately 5 rainy days (approx.) in the month. Consequently, the humidity in January is around 71 %.
Kaziranga Weather in February
Generally, the last month of winter leads the Kaziranga weather condition towards the summer. The average temperature ranges between 28°C, and at night it drops to 14°C. In Kaziranga, the day temperature is adequate, but night brings coolness. And the park gets 35.48 mm of rain(approx.) that brings the 7 rainy days in February. The humidity is close to 63% in Kaziranga National Park in this second month of the year.
Kaziranga Weather in March
Kaziranga Weather in April
April is considered the summer month of Kaziranga, which can make the wildlife tour a little bit uncomfortable. The average temperature of this month fluctuates between 32°C and 20°C. And its average temperature is the same as in March. But when it comes to the rain factor, there is 174.34 mm of rain (approx.) for 14 days in the month. On top of that, the humidity is around 62% in April.
Kaziranga Weather in May
It is the tropical pre-monsoon month of Kaziranga, with an average temperature between 34 °C and 22°C. So it is the warmest month of the year for Kaziranga National Park. Because the temperature touches around 34°C, the tour is a little bit uncomfortable. But the plus point is that you will get good deals on hotels and resorts. On top of that, the chance of spotting wild animals increases because they come to the park’s water bodies. Kaziranga in May gets 262.50 mm of rain (approx.) for 18 days in the month, and humidity touches 64%.
Kaziranga Weather in June
Kaziranga welcomes the monsoon season this month and ends the summer completely. The temperature of this month ranges between 33°C and 25°C and receives 463.56 mm of rain for 21 Days in the month. But the humidity touches the scale of 70% in Kaziranga National Park.
Kaziranga Weather in July
This month is one of the rainiest months of the year, with the temperatures ranges 25°C and 32°C. And it is the same as June in terms of the weather in Kaziranga. The highest temperature of this month is relatively the same as in June. This month, the park gets 663 mm of rain (approx.) for 24 days, and the humidity is close to 84 %.
Kaziranga Weather in August
August in Kaziranga is a hot, rainy season month that has the highest temperature, relatively the same as July. But the temperature throughout the month ranges between 33°C and 25°. But it gets 551 mm of rain (approx.) for 26 days in the month. And the humidity is also the same as the July and touches the benchmark of 84%.
Kaziranga Weather in September
Kaziranga says goodbye to the monsoon this month and is also experiencing tropical weather conditions. The temperature ranges between 32°C and 24°C, and Kaziranga gets 419 mm of rain (approx.) for 25 days in the month. Moreover, the humidity remains the same as in the month of August.
Kaziranga Weather in October
October in Kaziranga signifies the Post Monsoon autumn and is also considered the end month of the rainy season. The temperature range of this month fluctuates between 30°C and 20°C. But the highest temperature throughout the day this month is relatively the same as in September. In October, the park gets 193.37mm of rain (approx.) for 18 days in the month and humidity close to 82%.
Kaziranga Weather in November
The pleasant winter season and the best time to visit Kaziranga National Park starts in November. This month, the cool breeze offers pleasurable climate conditions. And this condition allows you to indulge in fun activities like trekking, safari, boating, and birdwatching. The temperature of November fluctuates between 27°C and 15 °C. The Kaziranga weather this month slightly decreases the temperature. With 29.81mm of rain (approx.) for 6 days in the month and humidity of 82%, November is ideal for enjoying the wildlife safari in Kaziranga.
Kaziranga Weather in December
December is the winter month with temperature ranges of 24°C and 12°C. So it is no surprise that December is the coldest month of the year. With 20.19 mm of rain (approx.) in 5 days of the month, the humidity is close to 78 %.
Kaziranga Tour Packages
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